Download » maps » map-addons » Legends of Utrae
Rating: 1+
Changes [?]: Unknown
- Autor: Irwin Ryan
- Last version: 3.2
- files size: 112,82 MB (118 298 959 B)
- required: DS:LoA,
- downloaded: 1925
Legends of Utrae is a modification of the Utraean Peninsula "Stones of Utrae" map for Dungeon Siege. It is playable in both singleplayer and multiplayer and includes many features from the Legends of Aranna expansion pack by Mad Doc Software.
Features of LoU include: 350 varieties of monsters to fight, 80 set items from the expansion pack, over 30 new quests neatly arranged into 8 chapters, 20 recruitable characters (with new custom made portraits) in singleplayer, 8 new merchants added that sell rings, amulets and backpacks, and more.
See the readme for the full feature set!
Last version
added: 2010-10-03 17:51:49 Last update: 2010-10-03 17:51:49
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Extended Mode.txt
Extended Mode for LOU v3.0/3.1/3.2
December 7, 2004
I. Introduction
There are two small dsres included with this map that will allow you to turn Regular/SP mode
into Veteran or Elite modes. The advantage of this is that you can play singleplayer campaigns
on them and save your game at any time.
By itself this feature would be worthless as a new character wouldn't last long in one of these
Worlds. However by using DSLOAMod (which is a part of the Dungeon Siege Toolkit V1.5 or 1.6) you
can transfer your party from the end of the normal singleplayer game into the beginning of the
modified World where you can continue playing & building up your party.
Basically you can play the singleplayer game through Regular, Veteran & finally Elite modes.
While the map itself doesn't change, you'll be fighting more powerfull monsters, their locations
have often changed and there'll be some new ones to fight. You can even import multiple mp
characters into a singleplayer game and play with them.
II. Requirements
Dungeon Siege Toolkit v1.5 or 1.6
III. Installation
Just move the appropriate dsres into the DSLOA folder.
If you want to turn Regular into Veteran, use spveteran.dsres
If you want to turn Regular into Elite use spelite.dsres
IV. Removal
Just delete or move either spveteran.dsres or spelite.dsres
V. Compatibility
At the present time it is unfortunately impossible to transfer a party which has the Dark Elf
v3.0beta mod by Witness present. It'll cause an exception error. Probably the same thing may
happen with other mods as well.
If you have either of these dsres present in the DSLOA folder, it'll either prevent you from
playing multiplayer games or cause serious issues (unless everyone happens to have the same
file present, just like any mod).
It'll cause problems if you have both files present at the same time.
Strangely it seems like you can remove the dsres and still continue playing from a saved game.
However the World will revert back to the Regular World.
You can import characters in from any saved game from Legends of Utrea v2.0/3.0/3.1, Kingdom of Ehb
and Legends of Aranna, and quite possibly other sp games as well (their templates must exist
somewhere that the game can find them and they may lose items or features if the relevant
resources aren't present where the game can find them-ie DS revived & Elys succubus). Characters
imported in from games other than Legends of Utrae v3.0/3.1 won't have the enhanced features.
While you can import at least some characters in from Legends of Utrae v1.0, there may be
problems as I couldn't test all of them at all stages of the game and they may not benefit from
the enhanced features of the new characters. The same goes for importing mp characters into the
VI. Transferring Parties & Characters via DSLOAMod
1. Have a saved game of the party with a simply name like Transfer (complex names & the time stamp
complicates things)
2. Start DSLOAMod (found in start/programs/dungeon siege toolkit). Please note that some mods may
cause the program to complain or even abort loading, giving out GPCore Error Failure notices.
If possible just click on Ignore Always and continue on. If it fails, you may need to remove
a mod/s until it works. Legends of Utrae doesn't effect DSLOAMod at this stage.
3. Start a new game & select Legends of Utrae V3.2 (It shouldn't really matter about the character
though some players recommend using the same character as that of your saved game hero).
4. As the map is loaded, DSLOAMod may give out a GPCore Error Failure*. Just ignore it by
selecting Ignore Always in the dialog box that appears.
5. Your character appears at the normal starting position just before the blacksmith.
6. Press the tilde key (~) which is the key that's to the left of the #1 Key
7. Type this: PARTY LOAD TRANSFER.dssave (doesn't have to be capitals) & press Enter
8. Once again DSLOAMod may give out an error about unweighed meshes on one of the characters
(the Goblin) but again just click on Ignore Always.
9. Press the tilde key (~) again to close the console and save the game as normal (even a quick
save is okay). Exit the game.
10. Start a new game using the normal DSLOA shortcut and load the game you just saved and your
old party will be there ready to continue on the adventure in a new map difficulty.
To transfer a multiplayer character just use the character's name followed by the .dsparty
extension, ie; PARTY LOAD CHARACTERNAME.dsparty
If there are any spaces between words in your characters name they must be eliquidated ( lord
boceifus kane would be renamed to lordboceifuskane)( you can do this in the my documents/ dungeon
seige (directory) And if there's a time stamp that must go as well.
To create a party of multiplayer characters use PARTY ADD instead of PARTY LOAD.
VII. Possibilities
This feature can be used in many ways. You can transfer characters in from anywhere. You can
repeat map modes multiple times if you wish. I even at one point in the Veteran stage decided that
I needed another nature mage so I sacked an archer & went back to Regular to hire a high level one.
By the end of the game in Elite she had caught up to everyone else. Theorectically you could even
have a party of clones by doing this (I don't know about mp characters with Party Add).
VIII. Limitations.
The only problem with the dsres switching of map modes is that the map becomes subject to hitches
(where it pauses for about 3-5 secs), especially around complex areas like the Great Northern Forest
(which you unfortunately can't avoid now) & Eastern Island. Hopefully you can ignore this as it's
smooth enough elsewhere. For those of you with unlimited hard disk space you can untank the main
dsres and one of the small dsres, copy the contents of the small dsres into the main tank and then
retank it through Siege Editor to get a new (renamed) dsres of about 114 Mb where Regular is now
Veteran or Elite (preferably you'd also change the internal map folder name & title to avoid conflicts
with the original and so they also be able to exist together. Since they'd all have the same data
content, there shouldn't be any problems, though DSLOAMod probably will complain about duplicate
entries. You could however delete all the Art & Contentdb entries, etc and only keep the main map
data like a normal dsmap. You could end up with 3 maps of differing difficulty to play on).
IX. Credits.
Thanks to the following who discovered all of this, and anyone else who contributed to the forums
where all of this was first discussed;