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Rating: 1+
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- Autor: Irwin Ryan
- Last version: 3.2
- files size: 112,82 MB (118 298 959 B)
- required: DS:LoA,
- downloaded: 1925
Legends of Utrae is a modification of the Utraean Peninsula "Stones of Utrae" map for Dungeon Siege. It is playable in both singleplayer and multiplayer and includes many features from the Legends of Aranna expansion pack by Mad Doc Software.
Features of LoU include: 350 varieties of monsters to fight, 80 set items from the expansion pack, over 30 new quests neatly arranged into 8 chapters, 20 recruitable characters (with new custom made portraits) in singleplayer, 8 new merchants added that sell rings, amulets and backpacks, and more.
See the readme for the full feature set!
Last version
added: 2010-10-03 17:51:49 Last update: 2010-10-03 17:51:49
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Legends of Utrae v3.2
By Irwin Ryan with creative input by Cyberatog
Extra models by Ghastley, Witness, Omniscient_Colossus, Ikkyo & Snowfox
December 12, 2004
I. Requirements
Dungeon Siege Lengends of Aranna Expansion Pack (version 1.5)
II. Introduction
Legends of Utrae is a modification of the Utraean Peninsula "Stones of Utrae" map for
Dungeon Siege (TM) by Gas Powered Games.
It is playable in both singleplayer and multiplayer and includes many features from the
Legends of Aranna expansion pack by Mad Doc Software (TM) as well as third party additions
from a number of talented mod authors & some original & modified enhancements.
Legends of Utrae v3.0 Features
- Around 350 varieties of monsters to fight with the addition of;
.60 odd species of monsters from the expansion pack added ( over 120 individual types )
.Over 70 new, unused or modified monster varieties
- 80 set items from the expansion pack
- 10 new NIS sequences (Non Interactive Movie Sequences)
- Over 30 new quests neatly arranged into 8 chapters
* See known issues about certain potential problems with the new quests
- 20 recruitable characters (with new custom made portraits) in singleplayer
.Including goblins, elves, dwarves, half-giants, snake women, skeletons & gargoyles
.These can be starting characters too with the included character module
.Now come with personal histories
* See known issues about certain restrictions with the Goblin
- Walking townsfolk (towns are no longer deserted ghost haunts)
- Characters will exhibit traits in singleplayer such as passive healing (just place healing
spells in second active spell slot and characters will automatically use them if they're
not busy), improved vision for the archers and accelerated mana regeneration for mages (this
is necessary as the map is a bit harder than the normal MpWorld)
* Note that these traits don't apply to your starting hero, who'll you be able to use in
normal mp games without problems. You possibly can still use the other characters but
depending on the situation you may lose their traits, their portraits and even the character
models may change
* Note if you use the optional starting module, this must be present at all times & all
players will require it being present in Mp games.
- 8 recruitable pack animals (mules & tragg) in both Sp and Mp
- Some changes to the plot and actual end of game bosses to fight
- Great Northern Forest is now integral to the plot and is a high level area (lvl 50)
- Over 40 lore books added to explain the history of the Peninsula and it's inhabitants
- Full Multiplayer support with some changes in monster populations between map modes to
reflect the fluctuations caused by the arrival of the new species and the hidden secrets
of the ancient Utraeans (ie, you won't be fighting Krug near Elddim all the time in Mp)
*Note that there will be restrictions on this as the map shows up as a mod on servers so
you may find it highlighted in red, if you can find it at all
- Pit of Despair is now inhabited and has ambient lightning
- Eastern Island is now inhabited. Level 50 recommended in Sp/Regular
- Loot dropping in Pit of Despair & Eastern Island reflect their inhabitant's difficulty
- Chests added to Pit of Despair to reward players willing to explore it
(note that to access the better treasure, the Pit's secrets must be solved!)
- All items necessary to access the Chicken Level can now be found in the campaign
(the new storekeepers sell the knife in Mp, the other items must be earned)
- Between 20-30 hours gameplay on Normal Difficulty in the Singleplayer Campaign
- Supports an additional 40-60 hours play in the extended Singleplayer Campaign. Even import
your mp characters into the extended Singleplayer Campaign. Please consult the included
documentation on how to use this feature (the Dungeon Siege Toolkit v1.5 or higher required
for this feature).
- 8 new merchants added that sell rings, amulets and backpacks
- Improved optimizations & custom moods for better performance & visability over the
original MpWorld map
- Fixes some broken monsters in veteran & elite that depend on magic (for some bizarre
reason their templates refer to ranged skills instead of combat magic, so therefore
they are unable to damage the player. Some examples are frostnid spiders & spiked maws)
- An additional mp start point added in close proximity to an important part of the map
- Camera adjusted so visibility is improved (but distance is the same)
- Co-exists with your existing Multiplayer World map and ElysMPWorld
- Most Mods that are already DSLOA compatible should work
- Easily installed
- Will not interfere with Normal Dungeon Siege Games
Legends of Utrae v3.1 Update
- Should guarantee compatibility with all future versions of the Dark_Light_Elf mod
- Better compatibility with mods that alter heroes.gas
- Fixes corpses not showing up on Eastern Island
- Improved included characters starting mod
- Should be fully compatible with version 3.0
Legends of Utrae v3.2 Update
- Fixes an exception error in Fallraen that can appear in Veteran or Elite Modes
.Singleplayer & Regular are uneffected
- Some Grammar fixes (thanks Mark32)
- NIS & Moods improved in extended mode mods, which are now included in distribution package
(the ones from v2.0 were originally included in v3.0/3.1 and so didn't work)
- Should be fully compatible with version 3.0/3.1
III. Included files
-LegendsofUtrae.dsres Main required file 114 MB (120,064,712 bytes)
-Extras Folder
+ Spelite Bonus sp elite mode 494 kb ( 506,617 bytes)
+ Spveteran Bonus sp veteran mode 495 kb ( 507,813 bytes)
+ Loucharacters.dsres Bonus starting characters 23 kb ( 23,677 bytes)
-Docs Folder
+ Extended Mode.txt Readme for bonus mode mods (Spelite & Spveteran)
+ Loucharacters.txt Readme for loucharacters.dsres
+ Readme.txt This file
+ Readme.html Html version of this file
+ Quest.txt List of all quests
+ Set Item Locations.txt List of all set items & general location
IV. Installation and Usage
Just unzip into the DSLOA folder ( which should already contain Expansion.dsmap, Expansion.dsres
& ExpVoices.dsres). Don't place it in the resources folder.
It is important to note that you must start your game using the Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna
shortcut (90% of errors are caused by players trying to play the map using the original shortcut).
When you start a new singleplayer or multiplayer game (some options may be disabled) there
should be a new map available to play called Legends of Utrae v3.2.
Note that it is recommended that you remove LOU v2.0/v3.0/v3.1 if you've got it (this one will
overwrite it anyhow) as it will cause problems if two different versions existed together.
To start with any of the 11 character types in LOU, use the loucharacters.dsres found in the
extras folder. See loucharacters.txt found in the docs folder for more info.
To use extended singleplayer mode use either spveteran.dsres or spelite.dsres found in the
extras folder. See extended mode.txt for instructions. Warning: This isn't for beginners as a
copy of the Dungeon Siege Toolkit is required & the instructions are a bit complicated.
V. Removal
To remove this map, simply delete the LegendsofUtrae.dres from wherever you installed it.
VI. Compatibility & Known Issues
This version should be compatible with version 3.0. Saved games from that version should load
and you should experience no difficulties connecting on-line.
No known issues have been discovered so far, but there was a major bug in v1.0 in the mood
at the tower that has the elevator that links the Volcanic Caverns to Eastern Island which
could cause the game to freeze and you'll would have to reset your computer. This hasn't
shown up in any version since but I advise you to save your game before trying this route.
This bug won't show up if you only control one character at a time.
The Goblin may not be able to equip some of the more exotic LOA gear and some armor will cause
exception errors (chitterskrag armor, bark casing, thessic suit, carapace plate - all armors used
by ranged characters which the recruitable Goblin isn't). As this version includes a starting
character module, you'll be able to play as a Goblin for a starting character. So just keep it's
limitations in mind.
I've tested a number of mods and the only mod that will cause problems is Ghastley's models as
they are already included in the map & the nkk files included with them would have to be rewritten
to avoid conflicts (they will even conflict with each other). If you desparately want to use them,
contact me & I'll try to make special versions of them for this map. Otherwise I've yet to find a
DSLOA compatible mod that won't load or causes serious problems, but I won't can't or won't guarantee
full compatiblity of any mod with Legends of Utrae.
All other mods that are already DSLOA compatible will most likely work as their authors intended.
However any mod that makes changes to the multiplayer_world region files (including
actor.gas, container.gas and conversation.gas) will behave in ways not intended by their
authors as the main map file is named differently in Legends of Utrae in order to prevent
conflicts with the existing MpWorld map. This also applies to changes to the monster
templates as the ones that are used in this map are unique to this map. It doesn't apply to npc
and hero template changes, so modifications to the starting hero/heroes will work (ie DS Revived)
and changes to shopkeepers will also work.
Legends of Utrae is designed to take advantage of Witness's Dark Elf v3.0 mod. The Elf characters
will use all Elf gear & enhancements. If you do use the Dark Elf v3.0 mod, it must be present
from the start & at all times. It is also recommended to use the starting Elf module as the
included LOU starting character module's Elves will be messed up. You can use any of the other
starting characters however. Also as for the current version of the Dark Elf mod, beta1.1, you
can't use the extended play feature to transfer parties between maps with it (it'll cause an
exception error).
Mods that I have partially tested and potential issues with them are thus listed (note that
I hadn't time to thoroughly test these so there could be unforeseen problems);
-Adepts v0.7 (runs okay, not all characters will exhibit the changed a.i. and the elves won't
-Revived v0.9.0.9 (no problems, runs smooth, does make one minor change to a map conversation
file and some minor monster modifications won't show up. Should be completely
compatible otherwise with all features working as intended)
-Elys LOA Succubus beta (no problems, runs smooth, new monsters and modified maps won't
appear and very few new items seen in the short time I could test it
-Cat Mansion Mods (no problems, looks excellent,but it is important to note that these
models will cause exception errors with some LOA armor and can't equip some head
gear. This is an incompatibility with DSLOA and will occur in any map run by
the DSLOA.exe, not only this one. Armor that I have found causes exception errors
are Bark Casing, Carapace Plate, Thessic Suit and Chitterskrag Armor)
-DSX 1.52 (no problems, very sluggish due to extreme gamplay, changes to container drops
co-exists with the map's set item drops)
-Zhixalom's inventory mod (no problems, recommended for solving gold max problems)
-LoA inv by Rheingauner(no problems, recommended for solving gold max problems)
-Diablo Fonts (no problems, looks excellent)
-Playable Naja LOA is incompatible and will eventually crash the game
-Lara Croft LOA is incompatible and will eventually crash the game
-Dark Elf Skins v2.0 (no problems, looks excellent)
-Dark Elf v3.0beta1.1 works well and the LOU elves take advantage of it's features!
-BufUI LOA version is fully supported
-Autocast is fully supported
-SeeFarLoa works as intended
Most of these mods can be downloaded form Siegenetwork (see Links)
While not a known issue as such, the addition of the set items do make a lot of the
normal gear redundant to a large degree between Fallraen and Quillrabe (this was a major
headache when balancing the map). If you think this'll upset you, then I recommend
giving this map a miss. However it does create some interesting decisions later on when
the effectiveness of the set items start to diminish (after the Fury Den) about whether
that great new sword is worth losing some nice bonuses. Also monsters had to be given
10-30% better stats after Fallraen to compensate for the extreme power of the set items
(basically by the time you reached the Goblin Warrens you were practically invincible!).
After Quillrabe the monsters revert back to their original stats.
Also you'll probably get some set items dropping as loot in multiplayer (the probability
is 20% of unique drops will be set items) and you can farm the chests containing the set
items (most are a fair distance from player starts however) so you'll probably end up with
duplicates (just sell them or trade them). However I think players probably would prefer
searching for a set item that they know they can find, unless someone beats them first, to
an astromatically small chance of actually completing a set through unique item drops. Not
all set items are usefull, the majority of them are for characters between 18-30 in strength,
dexterity or intelligence, and I didn't want to flood the game with set items between
Fallraen and Lang. Another aspect of the set items is that your gold will max out around
Hiroth in sp. While I could change this, I left it to insure maximum compatibility with other
mods (use an inventory mod).
The portraits don't match the character's heads very well, but it's extremely hard to
find good female portraits when the game only has one worthwhile female head (the other 4
are ugly). Once you've got some headgear you'll won't notice anyhow. All portraits are
provided with credit to Squaresoft and the game Final Fantasy XI.
Sometimes your characters may not be strong enough to use the Utraean Basilicus and the
Guards will tell you you're not strong enough for the area you're in, even if you're
slaughtering the monsters effortlessly. Just ignore the guards and try to use your highest
level character on the Basilicus. If it doesn't work just continue on. This should only
occur in Hiroth and I was able to continue with the quests even though the Quillrabe Stone
Quest wasn't finished. (I didn't feel like running back to Quillrabe and waste 20 minutes).
Once I finished the Abandoned Ruins and gotten the Grescal Stone, I was able to use the
Basilicus and headed back to Quillrabe to close that particular quest.
The NIS sequences can potentially be screwed up if you click too far ahead when you enter
them (can show the edges of the frustrum). You could even potentially crash the game if
you tried hard enough.
The quests could potentially be broken if you accidentally skipped a sequence (this can
happen even with the existing quests in the game). An example is the quests given by some
of the recruitable characters. If you attempted to hire them with an already full party,
the quest may fail to register if you then removed a character in order to hire them properly.
You can always temporarily remove a character, hire a character in order to get their quest
& then dismiss them. The game doesn't care. Another example is one of the earlier quests in
Elddim, the Orchard Cellar Quest. You can get the quest even after clearing the Orchard
Cellar of all the spiders, thus making it impossible to finish. A good habit to get into if
you want to finish all the quests is to talk to everyone in the towns and who you meet in
your adventure, before proceeding to the next area.
Also some quests are designed to provide you with experience for completing them. This
rarely works unfortunately.
VII. Gameplay
Due to the original map being made specifically for multiplayer only play, the order of
play here is completely different to Kingdom of Ehb or Legends of Aranna. Instead of being
softly led into progressively harder conflicts as new party members are added to the
party, you are thrust straight into relatively fierce battles (even if they are only Krug
at the beginning). Thus you can start recruiting from the very start while the other
characters can be found all over the Peninsula.
The imbalances between magic & melee users has been solved to a certain extent. The
addition of passive healing (any healing spell placed in the second active spell slot will
be used if required & the character isn't actively attacking a monster) & accelerated mana
regeneration does help magic users though the benefits don't really begin to show up until
near the end of sp/regular. Plus it helps avoid rps (repetitive potion syndrome) buying
30-40 potions at every shopkeeper. That said, a starting nature mage (or Mia the recruitable
character in Elddim) will always be at a disadvantage compared to the other classes.
The item sets are spread all over the place. Some are easy to find, some are gotten off
bosses but many are fairly well hidden. Yes, you'll have to visit Eastern Island and the
Volcanic Caverns to complete the more powerfull sets. See set items.txt for a regional
guide to their locations.
Note that the monsters that inhabit the fringes of the Great Northern Forest may not
seem to give the experience you think they should considering how hard they are. This
is deliberate. Their function is to keep you out of the Forest early on so you don't
discover it's secrets before you should. I didn't want you to get easy experience early
on (by drawing them in to attack town guards) so they don't give any more experience than
do the monsters between Elddim & the Crypts. Also once you are powerfull enough later in
the game, they are easy to defeat so they don't unnecessarily annoy you.
VIII. Credits
Witness (dark elf v3.0 model)
Francisco 'Omniscient_Colossus' Athens & Jason 'Ikkyo' Gripp (gargoyle model)
Ghastley (naja, snake models & asparagorn head)
Snowfox (goblin model)
Madigan & Wizardo55 (walking townsfolk code from the Kingdom Project)
Jason “Unkle-Ernsie” Ernsdorff
Interested2 (Werewolfplay v2.0)
Lady Nerae
Jeff Kretz
If I forgot to credit someone directly, I apologise as everyone who every modded Dungeon
Siege has helped in some regard, either with providing resources, allowing their work to
be examined for guidance or providing helpfull insight on the forums.
And of course GPG get the greatest credit for both not only allowing Dungeon Siege to be
easily modded, but for encouraging it and actively supporting it. Hopefully they'll get
rewarded by producing a killer sequel, what with all the ideas and feedback that they've
received with Dungeon Siege, they've plenty of opportunity to do so. After all there've been
plenty of developers that produced good first titles, but never cared about feedback or
supporting the community, and as a result are now a distant memory (One of my favourite titles
come to mind, Dungeon Keeper. Bullfrog not only ignored the community but changed the format
in the sequel to stop modding and also the way the game was played because they didn't like
players creating elaborate underground dungeons instead of playing it the way they wanted
players to play it. As a result Dungeon Keeper 2 didn't do very well and Bullfrog are a
distant memory. Dungeon Keeper Siege anyone, or better still the Dungeon Keeper licence
in GPG hands).
IX. Version History
Version 3.2 December 11, 2004
- Fixes an exception error in Fallraen that can appear in Veteran or Elite Modes
.Singleplayer & Regular are uneffected
- Some Grammar fixes (thanks Mark32)
- NIS & Moods improved in extended mode mods, which are now included in distribution package
(the ones from v2.0 were originally included in v3.0/3.1 and so didn't work)
- Should be fully compatible with version 3.0/3.1
Version 3.1 December 5, 2004
- Should guarantee compatibility with all future versions of the Dark_Light_Elf mod
- Better compatibility with mods that alter heroes.gas
- Fixes corpses not showing up on Eastern Island
- Improved included characters starting mod
- Should be fully compatible with version 3.0
Version 3.0 Novenber 27, 2004
- 20 recruitable characters (with new custom made portraits) in singleplayer
.Including goblins, elves, dwarves, half-giants, snake women, skeletons & gargoyles
.These can be starting characters too with the included character module
- 10 new NIS sequences (Non Interactive Movie Sequences)
- Over 30 new quests
- Now over 60 lorebooks & personal histories of the recruitable characters
- Some new monsters (Fire Giants, Werewolves, Asparagorns)
.Some monsters from veteran mode are now found in regular/sp mode as well
- Adjustments in monster distributions in some regions
- Walking Townsfolk
- Improved optimizations to visuals & performance
Version 2.0 May 24, 2004
- Around 350 varieties of monsters to fight with the addition of;
.60 odd species of monsters from the expansion pack added ( over 120 individual types )
.Over 70 new, unused or modified monster varieties
- 80 set items from the expansion pack
- 18 recruitable characters (with new custom made portraits) in singleplayer
- Passive healing, accelerated mana regeneration & improved vision for archers
- Some changes to the plot and actual end of game bosses to fight
- Great Northern Forest is now integral to the plot and is a high level area (lvl 50)
- About 30 lore books added to explain the history of the Peninsula and it's inhabitants
- Full Multiplayer support with some changes in monster populations between map modes to
reflect the fluctuations caused by the arrival of the new species and the hidden secrets
of the ancient Utraeans (ie, you won't be fighting Krug near Elddim all the time in Mp)
*Note that there will be restrictions on this as the map shows up as a mod on servers so
you may find it highlighted in red, if you can find it at all
- Supports an additional 40-60 hours play in the extended Singleplayer Campaign. Even import
your mp characters into the extended Singleplayer Campaign. Please consult the included
documentation on how to use this feature (the Dungeon Siege Toolkit v1.5 or higher required
for this feature).
- 8 new merchants added that sell rings, amulets and backpacks
- Uses custom moods to improve visability in many areas
- Fixes some broken monsters in veteran & elite that depend on magic (for some bizarre
reason their templates refer to ranged skills instead of combat magic, so therefore
they are unable to damage the player. Some examples are frostnid spiders & spiked maws)
- An additional mp start point added in close proximity to an important part of the map
Version 1.0 March 12, 2004
- 30 odd species of monsters from the expansion pack added ( over 60 individual types )
- 64 set items from the expansion pack
- 16 recruitable characters (with new custom made portraits) in singleplayer
- 8 recruitable pack animals (mules & tragg)
- Full Multiplayer support though new additions only apply to Regular mode
- Pit of Despair is now inhabited and has ambient lightning
- Eastern Island is now inhabited. Level 50 recommended
- Loot dropping in Pit of Despair & Eastern Island reflect their inhabitant's difficulty
- All items necessary to access the Chicken Level can now be found in the campaign
- 5 new merchants added that sell rings, armlets and backpacks
- Camera adjusted so visibility is improved (but distance is the same)
- Co-exists with your existing Multiplayer World map and ElysMPWorld
- Mods that are already DSLOA compatible should work
X. Legal Rhetoric
All code and art contained herein is the intellectual property of the author, Gas
Powered Games, Inc., Mad Doc Software, and all other persons who work contributed to this
mod. You may modify and/or redistribute this work if you properly credit the authors for
the work they have done. Dungeon Siege is a registered trademark of Gas Powered Games,
Inc. and Microsoft, Inc. I will not be held responsible for any damage this mod may cause
to either your installation of Dungeon Siege or your computer. As with all mods use at your
own risk and make backups.
XI. Links
Dark & Light Elves v3.0
Dungeon Siege Revived
Irwin Ryan |