Multiplayer - basicsmultiplayer game Zonematch - Internet - Network Game needs these ports to be open:
ZonematchZonematch was the service from Microsoft. In December 2007 the service has stopped
Zonematch was an easy way to find a free game from around the world and connect to it. As replacement the fans created a service Dungeon Siege Game Zone. Service web site provides a list of active games from registered users. Then anyone can join to these games. Unfortunately, sometime in December 2009 was a part of the service hacked and since then it has been inactive. For this reason decided to create a similar program that will provide players the option to search for active games and players. DS-Tray Program will be available sometime around March InternetCreate a game over the Internet. You must know the opponent IP, and IP must be public. If the player is connected via the router (typically the home gateway, through which it is connected multiple computers), a connection is sometimes problematic. If you have non-public IP provider, you are usually without chance. Warning - that only concerns you when you would like to host a game! Join to someone is ok. NetworkScans the local network and finds an active game. These are show in the list, where it can be easily choosen. It is the most ideal connection. The disadvantage is requirement to be on the same network (eg. home or school network). Workaround for this disadvantage its virtual network (VPN). To create a VPN in 2010 are suitable two programs: The first is Hamachi. The program its already for long-time. The disadvantage is the limitation-Free version. It allows only 16 users in one network and a maximum of 64 networks. Relatively recently emerged EasyVPN from COMODO. Unlike the Hamachi, there its no limit on number of users on the network. Rating:
Relase date: 28.1.2010
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Gas Powered Games™ and Dungeon Siege™ are © of Gas Powered Games, Corp.
update: 2013-04-04, (C) 2006-2010 by Psychopat [3.734s]