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  • Autor: Xaa
  • Offic. pages: official site
  • Last version: 3.1
  • files size: 1,39 GB (1 492 137 558 B)
  • required: DS 1.11,
  • downloaded: 4220

A thousand years ago, the Eastern Empire crumbled and fell before the might of the Wizard Kings. Since then, the Wizard Kings have battled each other for supremacy over The Land. To spare the people of The Land, this endless conflict takes place in a realm of their own creation: The Warlands. You have been summoned here to fight for your people and your king. And even in Death, you shall never escape Shatranj... The Warlands.

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added: 2010-10-02 18:53:34 Last update: 2010-10-02 18:53:34

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Patch 1.1 README.txt

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1.1 Patch Info The patch consists of a simple .DSRES you drop into your /mageworld folder (or wherever you put the mageworld dsres). It will override the files in the original DSRES to apply the changes. The patch will include the following: 1) By player request, /cast on NAME will be re-enabled. Remember, those of you who begged for this, you WERE warned of the consequences. 2) +good and +evil are fixed for Red Bishops and Red Knights, the message you get if you have insufficient experience will be "This character lacks the experience to use this command." 3) The base for the king's tower has been fixed and updated. 4) The "Large Hammer Pattern" has been plugged into the crafting system. 5) Armor selection for the demons expanded (yes, there WAS armor they could wear in 1.0). 6) Projectile resistance for the robot increased. 7) The behavior of the "Follow" button has been corrected to match the readme. When "Follow" is turned off, Mantri (and other party members) will NOT follow Pooka. However, if they are currently following you, you will have to select the entire party, turn off "Follow", then click to move the entire party to clear the last "Follow" orders they have. 8) Feline stealth bonus corrected. 9) Demon parrying bug corrected. 10) Invulnerability spell bug corrected. 11) Experience is now limited to an average of about one point per second, which is what you gain in ordinary play. People who play the game normally (beat on enemies, make stuff, buy stuff, walk from place to place) will not notice a difference, however. This will only affect people who spend the majority of their time with the "force cast" button held down for hours while they go watch TV, or set the character to do an "endless fight" while they go to bed. The experience you gain doing that will be commensurate with someone who was actually playing the game for the same length of time - an average of 1 point a second, max. 12) The "neutral party" bug, caused by sneaking past the Black Queen instead of fighting her, has been fixed. Characters who are sneaking or invisible automatically have the spell ended when an NIS starts. The map update will consist of a revised .dsmap file which you replace your original with. The update to the map will consist of the following: 1) The "Riddle Dungeon" will have four more riddles. The number of rooms stays the same, however - which riddles you get will depend on which path you take (right or left) in certain rooms. 2) Corrections to minor map bugs discovered so far. 3) The "King's Tower" area has been plugged into K1. 4) The engame sequence has been tweaked. 5) All known typos in conversations have been repaired. 6) All known problems with black trainers have been repaired. 7) The Queen's Rook has been tweaked to prevent the "no talk" bug. 8) The "Ethics Choices" in the map have been tweaked. Please note that if you have not completed the SP game, you will have to either restart after you apply the patch and map update, or you will have to wait until you finish the SP game before you apply it. The combined update will bring Mageworld up to version 1.1. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Place the .dsres file wherever you put the mageworld dsres file. 2) Place the .dsmap file wherever you put the mageworld dsmap, and allow it to over-write the existing map file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FAQ Addenda: Q) I see a zip file. What's that? A) A compressed data archive. If you are on Windows, you will need WinZip or WinRar to open it. Both are free to download. If you are on a Mac, you will need Stuffit Expander. Q) I have XP (or Mac OSX) and WinZip (Stuffit) comes with that, but it still don't open! A) The versions of these programs that came with your OS suck. Download the full versions from the appropriate website. Q) Okay, I opened the archive, and there's another one inside, and I can't extract from it! A) Read the file called "PASSWORD.TXT" Q) Okay, it says to enter a password from the EULA. But I don't see one! A) Try reading it. All the way to the bottom. Q) I STILL DON'T SEE A PASSWORD! A) It's right there, at the bottom. If you can't see it, then there's nothing that can be done - you'll have to uninstall Mageworld, the siegelet is going to be too tough for you. Q) Okay, I'm on Windows, I got the files extracted, made the shortcut, but I get an error! A) Change all references to "Hyperborea" to "Mageworld". This was an error on my part when I made the readme. Q) I did that, it still don't work! A) Scroll down a bit in the readme to the troubleshooting section and follow the instructions there. Q) I don't SEE ANY OTHER INSTRUCTIONS! A) The ones that talk about putting the files into your /rescources and /maps folder. Try reading the readme, instead of expecting the information to automatically leap into your brain. If you can't do that, then there's nothing that can be done - you'll have to uninstall Mageworld, the siegelet is going to be too tough for you. Q) Okay, I'm on a Mac, I got the files extracted, changed the INI file, but it still don't work! A) Scroll down a bit in the readme to the troubleshooting section and follow the instructions there. And try not to sound like a Windows user - Mac users are supposed to be more competent. ;-) Q) Okay, got that, playing the game, but nobody in the first village will talk to me! That "Karkaddan" guy I can get to say "Have at you!", but that's it! A) You need Mantri in the party. This is why your quest log still says "talk to the little man standing next to you, and get him to join you." You will have to restart. Next time, talk to him, don't run off and ignore him. Q) But I DID talk to him! He poofed anyway! A) Try again. This really isn't difficult. Just try avoiding 'smartass' answers. Remember that just like in real life, nobody in Mageworld is obligated to help you. In fact, they have a lot of good reasons to just let you shrivel and die. Being nice and making friends is key to your survival in SP. Q) IT STILL DOESN'T WORK! A) If you can't figure this part out, then there's nothing that can be done - you'll have to uninstall Mageworld, the siegelet is going to be too tough for you. Q) I go to the airship, then I crash with an exception error! A) This happens with some video-cards when you have "complex shadows" on. As per the readme, you should have "simple shadows" on, instead. Make sure you don't have "Complex Shadows" on and adhere to the other recommended settings for Mageworld which are stated in the readme, and make sure that your system meets the minimum specifications. Q) Okay, I got to the Queen's rook, but the quest doesn't advance, I can't get past the block in the road! A) Some people have also had problems with step 14 of the quest. In that step, your quest log will say this: "find orissa in the temple of the white queen's bishop, to the east" Now, what's supposed to happen is you use the lever that's by the tunnel to open the inner gates, hop on the elevator to use the lever atop the wall to open the outer gates, then proceed outside the castle. At that point, a little conversation window pops up, which says this: Mantri: Well, we already know the forces of the Black King are forming up to attack to the east. We should go north, and hope the airship is on our side of the abyss. If it is, we can take it and head north, then turn east, and try to go around them. Pooka: Okay. So, what's supposed to happen is that you're supposed to head north. But, some people are finding that if they click really fast to trot out the gate (or don't go out the gate at all, but instead go back through the crypts), they don't get this message. This is leading to a lot of confusion, so I'll tell you all now: When your quest log tells you to go find Orissa, you have to go *around* Queen's Knight One (where you started). To do that, you'll be going north one square from the castle of the Queen's Rook, to QR2. From there, you'll be heading east two squares, then south. Now, if your problem is that you can't get to step 14 and get the quest message to go find Orissa, the problem is you are not following what the quest log says to do. Look at your quest log again. When it says "find the exit from the crypts as quickly as possible," it doesn't mean "go back." You go forward and find the exit. When it says "speak to the scribe inside the inner sanctum", then go speak to the scribe inside the inner sanctum, don't just leave. Etcetera. If all else fails and you still by golly just can't wrap your mind around how to follow the quest, then just give up and head north from QR1, the quest will update when you get near the airship. The block in the road won't stop you, just keep right on going. Q) Okay, I'm stuck at the queen's maze! A) Here's a hint: Right, Left, Center Q) Alright, that hint was completely worthless! A) Okay, here's more explicit instructions: 1) Select pooka. 2) Walk into the maze, going to the platform to the right (west in the maze). 3) Drop a gold on top of the platform to hold it down. 4) Go to the platform to the left (south in the maze). 5) Drop a gold to hold it down. 6) Go to the platform in the center (near the entrance to the maze). 7) Drop a gold to hold it down. 8) Walk over to the sundial. 9) Enter the castle. Q) Alright, even that's not working, I still can't figure it out! A) If all else fails and you still just can't wrap your mind around the puzzle of the maze, then give up and just go north, bypassing the castle completely. The quest will update when you get near the airship. Q) Okay, I found this place, it has riddles, I can't figure them out! A) Ignore it, it's not part of the SP quest. Q) But I WANT to know what's in there! A) Then take your time and figure out the riddles and puzzles. There is no rush, you're not in competition with anyone. Q) But I don't WANT to take my time, I want the answers NOW! A) Then uninstall Mageworld, it's going to be WAY too frustrating for you. Try "Marble Madness" - you'll likely enjoy it more. Q) I got the ancient weapons/armor from the old woman, but they disappeared! A) This is because you tried to cheat her, and take more than one. She said "You may choose only one," not "finagle your party to snag as many as possible." As such, you get nothing, and the game is over - you cannot win from this point. You will have to restart from a previous save and try again. Q) Okay, this is taking me a LONG time! How long is it supposed to take to complete the SP quest? A) A month or more. Q) A *MONTH*?! A) Yes. You are supposed to be spending time exploring, talking to the NPC's, killing off baddies, building your character, experimenting with the crafting system, etcetera. Q) Okay, but what if I go really really fast? Like spend an entire 48-hour weekend wired on caffeine to get it done? A) Then you'll fail, and the game will become impossible. The faster you go, the harder it gets. Go as fast as you can, and the game becomes impossible to win. Seriously. The faster you go, the harder it gets. Go as fast as you can, and the game becomes impossible to win. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADDITIONAL CREDITS THAT ACCIDENTALLY GOT LEFT OUT OF THE ORIGINAL README Monsoon, for his UI mod. Thanks. =) SJR, for the cow's moo-moo-armor. Thanks. =)
