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mod thumbnailWatersoul's Mod Manager


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  • Autor: WaterSoul
  • files size: 2,07 MB (2 173 632 B)
  • required: DS 1.11, DS:LoA,
  • downloaded: 3906

The Mod Manager, also known as the Siegelet Manager, allows you to turn "off" and "on" .dsres files (Dungeon Siege tank files, also used in mods). It can also be used as a launcher through the variety of launcher options.

Last version
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added: 2010-07-03 10:02:10 Last update: 2010-07-03 10:02:10

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/ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |===============================================| | Siegelets/Mods Manager v3.2 | | -------------------------------- | | Made by Sebastien Martineau | | AKA WaterSoul | | ( | |===============================================| _______________________________________________/ What it does: Allows you to turn off and on the .dsres files. It can also be used as a launcher because of the bunch of launcher options. It is a "must" for any DS Player that likes mods. --------------------------- How to install: Unzip Siegelets Manager.exe file in a directory and run it. Click on the "Set Siegelets directory" button and enter your game directory. How to uninstall: Delete Siegelets Manager.exe and smanager.ini files. --------------------------- Version History: V3.2 Changes : +Yesterhaven Support *Some fixes here and there, nothing important V3.1 Changes : +DS related banner +Run special exe for launch +Refresh list +Fix DS Files +Unsupported Resolutions features +New icons *Fixed lot of small bugs everywhere *Less chances to make errors V3.0 Changes : *Some bugs fixes +New features +Concept +Double click to toggle mod +Right Click Menu +Delete Files +Added 'Open Resources Folder' Command in the menu +new listview and no longer shows InfoFiles *InfoFiles can be viewed from the right-click popupmenu *Allowed Multi-Selection, you can now toggle lot of files at the same time! -Removed the possibility of deleting a default file name +Siege Editor is now supported +Included a button for viewing the details about the launcher options (off. RTF File) +Automatic AlphaSort +Saving feature on exit (closing the form or launching the game) +Online Version Verification V2.5 Changes : +New picture +New system for changing mod *Modified Main Window *Modified a lot InfoFile Viewer Window +Directory Selection Form +Auto Detection of the DungeonSiege Directory +Added more conditions so there's less errors *Modified the credits *Lot of bugs Fixed ( thanks for sending your feedback, it's really useful!) +Packed Exe so saved 500k on the size (more than 1024k unpacked) +Alpha Sorting for the File Listing (Click on the column header) *Bigger Listing Box -Deleted one listing box *Changed the listing controls +Added 3 Buttons (One for each controls you needs when a file is selected) V2.4 Changes : +New picture +Help system included in a hint system. Let your mouse over something for details. +More space and show more long in mods name +Added a fonction to install a mod +Added a bunch of functions to the launcher *Fixed a few bugs V2.3 Changes : +Added credits informations *Fixed the bug on the buttons inside the Mod's INI info file viewer *Fixed a bug that in the description field of a mod INI there was always some letters V2.2 Changes : +Added a Mod's INI info file viewer, wich can be created from the Mod's INI File builder. You can find it here : *Few bugs corrected V2.1 Changes : *Fixed a bug that put all the options 'true' when the game was launched. V2.0 Changes : -No longer uses DLLs -No longer uses almost 6 meg of memory *Now in Delphi instead of Vb +Launcher included +Ini file support +More Siegelets support 50% built V1.0 : First Version: a lame window with two boxe that toke 8 meg of ram to run ( lol! )
