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mod thumbnailCube of Azunai


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  • Autor: Trailstorm-Radeem
  • Last version: 1.0
  • files size: 96,67 kB (98 994 B)
  • required: DS 1.11,
  • downloaded: 1545

Adds a Horadric-like cube that introduces transmute formulas to the game.

Last version
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added: 2010-10-13 17:45:02 Last update: 2010-10-13 17:45:02

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The Cube of Azunai (7-14-02) Version: 1.0 Author: Trailstorm-Radeem BASIC INSTRUCTIONS: place "CubeAzunai.dsres" in your DS resource folder place "RadeemCubeAzunai.dsmap" in your my documents DS maps folder The .dsres file contains no overwriting files and only new content (items/ spells/ an actor/ lorebooks/ and skrit) The .dsmap file was made using the latest beta - version 1.09.2 TO USE THE CUBE: after you get a cube - place it on the ground with the proper ingredients and cast one of the five transmutation spells: Radeem's Basic Transmutation Radeem's Advanced Transmutation of the Grand Sorcerer (combat magic) Radeem's Advanced Transmutation of the Arch-Mage (nature magic) Radeem's Advanced Transmutation of the Champion (melee) Radeem's Advanced Transmutation of the Master Sharpshooter (ranged) based on what spell and what ingredients you will get different results! HOW TO GET YOUR CUBE: You may get the cube and transmutation spells by entering the map and speaking with: Radeem the Lost You may also summon a cube using The Basic Transmutation Spell which is likely to be sold by spell-vendors (it is a level 0 spell - very likely to show up) The other spells are higher level - but they should also be sold by vendors. WHAT CAN THE CUBE DO? Currently, the basic transmutation recipes can be found in one of the lorebooks on Radeem or you can look here for a "shorthand version" Use this formula to summon the cube: small health pot + small mana pot + any lore book = Cube of Azunai Here are the basic formulas (all of these require the cube): any size health pot + medium mana pot = large mana pot* any size mana pot + medium health pot = large health pot* any size rejuv pot + large mana pot = super mana pot any size rejuv pot + large heath pot = super health pot any size mana + fireshot = firespray any size health + any boots = healthy boots any size health pot + any size mana pot +any spell = healing wind any size health pot + any size mana pot + any ring = super rejuv pot any ring +any amulet = a possibiltiy for some cool stuff based on a range of pcontent *because of how the skrit: - medium mana + medium health = large pot mana AND large pot health (cool!) The ring and amulet recipe is also used for all the advanced spells. As it is now - the ring and amulet recipes yield a very wide range of results. with some very real potential for great gain - but beware - don't get too greedy! WHO IS RADEEM AND ALL THIS STUFF IN THE LOREBOOKS? I am working on a mini-adventure called The Cirlce of Lorent - the lorebooks present some of the content for the map. Please check for updates about the map at (Witness was kind enough to post some screenshots and a story outline) WILL THE CUBE GET MORE RECIPES? Yes it will!! this is just the start - and only covers some basic possibilities. if you have suggestions, please post on one of the forums or e-mail me at CREDITS: In getting this off the ground I had some major help in the arena of skrit. But before I profusely thank Xaa, I want to direct everyone towards the idea-smith Hydromancerx and his efforts at designing Multicrafting. Imagine a version of DS where you are also playing Warcraft - or a Sim - or a civilization builder. We are both using the same skrit concepts to develop our ideas. The cube is the basic concept of transmutation (Horadric-style), multicrafting has tremendous game-evolving potential. Now, there are two people in the community who share their knowledge and help us all - especially in the arena of skrit - both Icemage and Xaa had their hands in the skrit used for this mod. I again thank both for their willingness to share and teach others. Xaa, deserves further recognition for his developing the original version of the spell_combine.skrit. Please check out his website:
