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mod thumbnailDarkling Mod


Changes [?]:

  • Autor: Xaa
  • Last version: 1.0
  • files size: 1,46 MB (1 528 832 B)
  • required: DS 1.11, DS:LoA,
  • downloaded: 1187

Playable darkling female mod for the Lands of Hyperborea siegelet.


if you place mod into resources folder, you can use this mod in DS and LoA too. You create character in sigleplayer, and then import into multiplayer as you need.

Last version
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added: 2010-10-03 12:52:15 Last update: 2010-10-03 12:52:15

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Darkling Addon for Lands of Hyperborea -------------------------------------- Author: Jim Farris ( Download Link: Lands of Hyperborea Link: LoH Forum: -------------------------------------- How to use this: 1) Use WinRAR to open the downloaded archive file. 2) Once the archive opens, drag & drop the .dsres into your /hyperborea folder. 3) Then, start the game, select "Single Player", and use the "Gender" buttons to find the darkling. 4) Once you have her selected, start an SP game with her, and hit ctrl+S to save it. 5) Then, exit the game and start a multiplayer game (the darkling can't complete the SP game). 6) Import the character you created to MP from the SP save, and you're good to go. Now, once you have the .dsres in your /hyperborea folder, please note that you will NOT be able to join other people's games if they don't also have a copy of it. Also, you will find that in-game, the NPC's treat the darkling as a talking animal. This means you can go to places some characters can't without being attacked, but many merchants will not sell to you. And yes, she can wear and use normal equipment.
