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mod thumbnailCat Mansion Compilation Pack


Changes [?]:

  • Autor: Irwin Ryan
  • Last version: 2.0
  • files size: 57,44 MB (60 231 423 B)
  • required: DS 1.0, DS1.11, LoA,
  • downloaded: 2579

Cat Mansion Plus Pack is a compilation of the Cat Mansion Boys, Cat Mansion Girls, Cat Mansion Costume and Cutiegirl mods by Hamcat. This pack gives Dungeon Siege a distinct anime feel with new models and artwork. Should be compatible with all versions of Dungeon Siege.

 Cat Mansion Plus Pack Features

- Two new models replacing the default farmboy & farmgirl models.
- about 300 new npcs in towns (no more ghost towns)
- all npcs have new skins & portraits, including recruitable characters & merchants
- number of fixes from beta 1.0
- about 50 odd new weapons, armors, helmets, shields, boots & gloves from the
Cat Mansion Costume & Cutiegirl mods
- includes theresnothinglft's Sot3K weapon pack 3 (over 50 weapons)
- includes Lurker's items mod 4.0 (3 armors, 2 shields, 15 weapons & 6 spells)
- includes Omniscient Colossus' Weapons Pack #1 (8 weapons)
- includes Bare_elf's Girl armor (50 female only armors)
- unlocks 33 shields, 3 helms, 4 robes & 26 weapons that were unused in the
game & adds new icons where necessary
- 36 new summons in assault, support & guardian styles (all with custom icons)
- all new content can be found both in storekeepers & monster drops
- dynamic adjustable camera
- improved visual range (may chug a bit on low end machines)
- fully compatible with the expansion pack

Last version
Old version
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added: 2010-07-24 07:44:45 Last update: 2010-07-24 07:44:45

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Readme Catmansionpluspack.txt

Cat Mansion Plus Pack v2.0 By Irwin Ryan with all original content by Hamcat ( April 14, 2005 ===================================== I. Requirements Dungeon Siege or Legends of Aranna II. Introduction Cat Mansion Plus Pack is a compilation of the Cat Mansion Boys, Cat Mansion Girls, Cat Mansion Costume & Cutiegirl mods by Hamcat together with a number of other weapon & armor packs to give Dungeon Siege a distinctive anime feel with the addition of about 250 new models, items & artwork. Cat Mansion Plus Pack Features ============================ - Two new models replacing the default farmboy & farmgirl models. - about 300 new npcs in towns (no more ghost towns) - all npcs have new skins & portraits, including recruitable characters & merchants - number of fixes from beta 1.0 - about 50 odd new weapons, armors, helmets, shields, boots & gloves from the Cat Mansion Costume & Cutiegirl mods - includes theresnothinglft's Sot3K weapon pack 3 (over 50 weapons) - includes Lurker's items mod 4.0 (3 armors, 2 shields, 15 weapons & 6 spells) - includes Omniscient Colossus' Weapons Pack #1 (8 weapons) - includes Bare_elf's Girl armor (50 female only armors) - unlocks 33 shields, 3 helms, 4 robes & 26 weapons that were unused in the game & adds new icons where necessary - 36 new summons in assault, support & guardian styles (all with custom icons) - all new content can be found both in storekeepers & monster drops - dynamic adjustable camera - improved visual range (may chug a bit on low end machines) - fully compatible with the expansion pack III. Installation and Usage Just unzip or move Catmansionpluspack.dsres into the resources or dsloa folder (overwriting any previous version), or simply use a mod manager. Move ikkyo_loa.dsdll into the base Dungeon Siege folder (where Dungeonsiege.exe or DSLOA.exe are) otherwise the dynamic camera options won't work. To change the camera access the view options menu & clik on more. Min, max azimuth controls the viewing angle. IV. Removal To remove this map, simply delete the Catmansionpluspack.dres from wherever it's installed. V. Compatibility & Known Issues There's no guarantee that even if the extra content is disabled that you will be able to join other online who don't have this mod installed as there's been changes made to the heroes, npc & skins templates. While this mod will be compatible with many mods (including inventory mods), it won't be compatible with any other hero type mod or any mod that makes changes to the hero template. The method used to make the models compatible with the expansion pack means that certain LOA armor & headgear won't look as intended when playing using the expansion shortcut. The new equipment may not be ideally balanced, but getting the game to generate new stuff autonomously isn't easy (especially with magical suffixes & prefixes). Somethings shields will seem to disappear from the inventories of characters using the throwing weapons (this can also happen to bows & crossbows and is another inbuilt DS bug). They can also be unequipped yet their benefits still show on the character and the character still carries the shield in-game. Some things to do if this occurs; 1) If you are trying to equip a shield, instead of right-clicking it, pick it up and drop it into your equip slot. 2) If you are trying to unequip a shield, pick it up and drop it into your inventory (or on the ground), then select your melee weapon again. 3) If you have had a shield disappear (and/or apparently have two shields stuck in the shield slot), pick the visible one up and drop it to the ground, then select your melee weapon. Repeat to retrieve the second shield and drop it on the ground. Then choose which one you want to have the character actually use. Tips courtesy of Xaa. If you don't muck around with the shields too much (just replace them as you find a more powerfull one), this bug probably won't even be noticeable to you. VI. Credits Hamcat gets the majority of the credit as all the original material is his, and without his permission ( for the use of his work in other projects, this compilation would never have been possible. Also Witness ( suggested a couple of things that were helpfull in getting a hack in place to bypass the LOA armor restrictions (basically cloning an existing armor mesh to replace the missing ones). Niceguy posted a topic in Siegenetwork forums which resulted in me starting this compilation, otherwise it may never have been done. Francisco 'Omniscient_Colossus' Athens for the Weapons Pack #1 Eddie Wang [Lurker] for Lurker's items mod 4.0 Theresnothinglft's Sot3K weapon pack 3 Lili Wells (Bare_elf) for Girl armor Jason 'Ikkyo' Gripp for ikkyo_loa.dsdll Also many more such as Xaa, Icemage, Snowfox, for the helpful information they've posted on this game which has helped directly or indirectly with the creation of this mod. If I forgot to directly credit anyone here I apologise. All code and art contained herein is the intellectual property of the authors and you may modify and/or redistribute this work if you properly credit the authors for the work they have done. Irwin Ryan
