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  • Autor: Zegorzalek
  • files size: 12,46 kB (12 756 B)
  • required: DS 1.11, DS:LoA,
  • downloaded: 2431

Combined the mega potion gas with the infinite potion gas into a single dres with the result that all health and mana potions are now infinite use. Tested each on both a LOA UP map and Elys UP. All work just fine, from the small to mega.

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added: 2010-10-23 10:25:53 Last update: 2010-10-23 10:25:53

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Zegs Infinite Moo Potions Readme.txt

Credits... I took Infinite Potions (creator unknown) dres and a Mega Potion dres which SRJ posted and modified them... made the Mega potions infinite by changing a couple value lines as follows... is_value_limited = true; to is_value_limited = false; I then simply used tank creator to merge the gas files into one dres... and named it Zegs Infinite Moo Potions... hopefully giving proper praise to all involved. Now you can spend more time looting and "mooing" rather than running back to the last vendor for more potions! Where to put it: resources folder How it works: all health and mana potions in the game are now infinite use for the value given. They will automatically refill to whatever value the size of potion has (ie: small potion = 200 points of health or mana an so on). Therefore you only need to carry one each of mana or health, the rest of your inventory can be dedicated to loot an other important stuff. Notes: If attacking, you can only force drink when levels are below 50%. Otherwise, you can force drink at any level of health or mana. Mega potions: the mega potions (health = 4000, mana = 4500, rejuve = 3,500 health/mana) are only found at a certain vendor on a certain level. One on veteran, one on elite. Not too hard to figure out. If you can't find them, use the search function (LOL) - hints in the thread (and the gas). Conflicts: none I know of. I have tested all sizes of mana/health on LOA UP and Elys UP. No conflicts with either. Final note: could not figure out how to make a rejuve potion multiple use. Have looked in the mod threads and it seems to be hard coded. Maybe in the future someone will crack this and then you will only need to carry ONE potion... Heh! Happy Hunting! Zegorzalek (Zeg)
