Download » mods » Hassat-Zaurask Transform
Rating: 1+
Changes [?]: Unknown
- Autor: God's Blood
- files size: 15,19 kB (15 558 B)
- required: DS:LoA,
- downloaded: 1375
Hassat-Zaurask Transform allows you to transform into one of 6 monsters, including 2 hassat, 2 zaurask and 2 maljin.
The spells can be bought at regular difficulty through either the pot seller in Arhok or the blacksmith in Elddim. These transforms only do melee/karate and can not do either magic or ranged.
Last version
added: 2010-10-22 17:04:41 Last update: 2010-10-22 17:04:41
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Read Me.txt
This mod will allow you to change into any of 6 monsters. The spells can be bought at regular difficulty through either the pot seller in Arhok or the blacksmith in Elddim. These transforms only do melee/karate and can not do either magic or ranged.
The transforms are:
Zaurask zombie karate
Zaurask mage (quite attractive!)
Maljin Phantom
Maljin Assassin
Hassat Commander
Hassat Mage
Please do not bring this into my games, if I crash I will have to ban you - who wants that?
This mod can and will conflict with every other mod ever written or that will be written.
Always back up your chars before playing.
You must ask my permission to incorporate this mod in whole or part into any other mod. I have hidden several items so that I can recognize this mod, it would be stupid to take credit for it.
Not associated with GPG, Macdaddy, Windows, Intel/AMD, the Catholic Sea, Black Copters or the International Krug Conspiracy. If you install this mod and your hair falls out, your lover leaves you or poltergeist infest your computer, IT'S NOT MY FAULT!
Installation: program files/microsoft games/dungeon siege/resources. Only use with dungeon siege, legends of aranna.
God's Blood
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