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mod thumbnailElys Succubus


Changes [?]:

  • Autor: Elys
  • Last version: v4
  • files size: 35,96 MB (37 709 204 B)
  • required: DS 1.11, DS:LoA,
  • downloaded: 9275
Game Modifications:
  • Add item sets to the game.
  • Two additionals models (barbarian/succubus) to choose from the multiplayer character creation screen.
  • Increase attack spell damage depending on the intelligence of the hero
  • Increase damages dealt by all ranged weapons.
  • All Nature "Summon" spells are now named "Call"
  • You can control a summoned and a called creature at the same time.
  • Change to the death system: Each time you die, you lost 6.6% of your current max life (for the game duration only of course) and only a max of 10 times which means you can lost maximum half of your total starting max life.
  • The speed of ghost players is very slow now.
  • Tutorial tips disabled by default
  • "easy" and "hard" difficulty are now equivalent to the "normal" difficulty (I haven't figure yet how to force the game to choose "normal" difficulty)
  • multiplayer difficulty and experience scaling have been modified to be more linear and to compensate the remove of the "easy" difficulty
  • Modify the spell graphic effects of the "Cyclone of Fire" and "Pillar of Fire" to be less visually annoying for other players.
  • Some models and skins have been modified or added.
  • Double hero's inventory size
  • Change max gold in inventory from 9.999.999 to
World Modifications:
  • Add rings and amulets in weapon shops
  • Change various pot quantities in shops
  • Change some drop modifiers in certain shops
  • Remove the hub displacer requirement in towns
Last version
Something missing or wrong? Send comments:

added: 2010-10-17 17:17:43 Last update: 2010-10-17 17:17:43

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*********************************************************** Elys DS Succubus modlet for Dungeon Siege game version 1.11 *********************************************************** (This mod contains some basic nudity) Installation: ************* Put the file in your Dungeon Siege Resources folder, and delete any previous version. (Previous file version was named ElysDSv**.dsres) ******** Credits: ******** - Crimzon Eagle, for the "Serpentine Sword" model and skin. - Darkbane (, for the "Eagle Gun" original skin. - Francisco Athens (http// for the "Leecher", the "Dexter",the "Frigid Axe","Pegasus Helm" original models and skins. - GraveDigger ( for the loading screen artworks. - Hamcat ( for the "Cutie" original skins. - Icemage_999 for his various script templates. - Ichiro Ogami, for the "Blood Reaper" and "Balanced Sword" models and original skins. - kalibur for the "Huge Sword" model and skin. - Lloyd for the backbag mod template. - NGI_a ( for "SexyGirl" original skins. - sjr ( for the help with the running speed script. - theresnothinglft for his rocket launcher template. - tonga ( for the ninja skins - Witness for her nice Set Items Manager - Xaa ( for all the template scripts he released. - yeesh for his glowing eyes script template. *************************************** Version 107 (compatible with Elys maps): *************************************** ATTENTION !!!: This mod does not support playing in 640x480 resolution. Game Modifications: ------------------- - Add item sets to the game. - Two additionals models (barbarian/succubus) to choose from the multiplayer character creation screen. - Increase attack spell damage depending on the intelligence of the hero - Increase damages dealt by all ranged weapons. - All Nature "Summon" spells are now named "Call" - You can control a summoned and a called creature at the same time. - Change to the death system: Each time you die, you lost 6.6% of your current max life (for the game duration only of course) and only a max of 10 times which means you can lost maximum half of your total starting max life. - The speed of ghost players is very slow now. - Tutorial tips disabled by default - "easy" and "hard" difficulty are now equivalent to the "normal" difficulty (I haven't figure yet how to force the game to choose "normal" difficulty) - multiplayer difficulty and experience scaling have been modified to be more linear and to compensate the remove of the "easy" difficulty - Modify the spell graphic effects of the "Cyclone of Fire" and "Pillar of Fire" to be less visually annoying for other players. - Some models and skins have been modified or added. Interface: ---------- - Double hero's inventory size - Change max gold in inventory from 9.999.999 to World Modifications: -------------------- - Add rings and amulets in weapon shops - Change various pot quantities in shops - Change some drop modifiers in certain shops - Remove the hub displacer requirement in towns New item sets (only dropped in the Utraean Peninsula ): ----------------------------------------------------------- * DRYAD SET: * * Dryad Armor * Dryad Boots * Dryad Gloves * Dryad Helm * * Bonus when 2 items equipped: * - Adds 125 to Maximum Life * - Adds 125 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 50 to Armor * - Adds 5 to Nature Magic Skill * * Bonus when 3 items equipped: * - Adds 250 to Maximum Life * - Adds 250 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 100 to Armor * - Adds 10 to Nature Magic Skill * * Bonus when 4 items equipped: * - Adds 500 to Maximum Life * - Adds 500 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 300 to Armor * - Adds 20 to Nature Magic Skill * MOO SET: * * Moo Armor * Moo Boots * Moo Gloves * Moo Helm * * Bonus when 2 items equipped: * - Adds 250 to Maximum Life * - Adds 50 to Armor * - Adds 3 to Strength * - Adds 5 to Melee Skill * * Bonus when 3 items equipped: * - Adds 500 to Maximum Life * - Adds 100 to Armor * - Adds 7 to Strength * - Adds 10 to Melee Skill * * Bonus when 4 items equipped: * - Adds 1000 to Maximum Life * - Adds 200 to Armor * - Adds 15 to Strength * - Adds 20 to Melee Skill * MORD SITH SET (succubus set) * * Bonus when 4 items equipped: * - Adds 6 to Armor per Strength. * - Adds 5 to Armor per Dexterity. * - Adds 4 to Armor per Intelligence. * - 20% of Damage Reflected to Enemy * - Adds 250 to Maximum Life * - Adds 250 to Maximum Life * MYSTICAL SPIDER SET: * * Mystical Spider Armor * Mystical Spider Boots * Mystical Spider Gloves * Mystical Spider Helmet * * Bonus when 2 items equipped: * - Adds 250 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 50 to Armor * - Adds 3 to Intelligence * - Adds 2 to Combat Magic Skill * - Adds 2 to Nature Magic Skill * * Bonus when 3 items equipped: * - Adds 500 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 100 to Armor * - Adds 7 to Intelligence * - Adds 5 to Combat Magic Skill * - Adds 5 to Nature Magic Skill * * Bonus when 4 items equipped: * - Adds 1000 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 200 to Armor * - Adds 15 to Intelligence * - Adds 10 to Combat Magic Skill * - Adds 10 to Nature Magic Skill * NINJA SET * * Ninja Gloves * Ninja Kabuto (helm) * Ninja Suit (armor) * Ninja Tabi (boots) * * Bonus when 2 items equipped: * - Adds 125 to Maximum Life * - Adds 50 to maximum Ranged Damage * - Adds 25 to minimum Ranged Damage * - Adds 50 to Armor * - Adds 3 to Dexterity * - Adds 5 to Ranged skill * * Bonus when 3 items equipped: * - Adds 250 to Maximum Life * - Adds 100 to maximum Ranged Damage * - Adds 50 to minimum Ranged Damage * - Adds 100 to Armor * - Adds 7 to Dexterity * - Adds 10 to Ranged skill * * Bonus when 4 items equipped: * - Adds 500 to Maximum Life * - Adds 200 to maximum Ranged Damage * - Adds 100 to minimum Ranged Damage * - Adds 100 to Armor * - Adds 15 to Dexterity * - Adds 20 to Ranged skill * SCHOOL SET * * School Robe (armor) * School Shoes (boots) * Dungeon Siege Guide (spellbook) * * Bonus when 3 items equipped: * - Adds 1 to Nature Magic skill per 3 Intelligence * - Adds 1 to Combat Magic skill per 3 Intelligence * SUCCUBUS ELDER SET: * * Succubus Elder Armor * Succubus Elder Boots * Succubus Elder Gloves * Succubus Elder Cap * * Bonus when 2 items equipped: * - Adds 125 to Maximum Life * - Adds 125 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 50 to Armor * - Adds 5 to Combat Magic Skill * * Bonus when 3 items equipped: * - Adds 250 to Maximum Life * - Adds 250 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 100 to Armor * - Adds 10 to Combat Magic Skill * * Bonus when 4 items equipped: * - Adds 500 to Maximum Life * - Adds 500 to Maximum Mana * - Adds 300 to Armor * - Adds 20 to Combat Magic Skill New other items (some of these items will only drop playing new map modes in Elys maps): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A collection of amulets who increase your running speed. - Angel Guard (shield) - Balanced Sword - Beach Skin (succubus armor) - Blood Reaper (sword) - Butterfly Skin (succubus armor) - Dexter (staff) - Dragon Bow - Eagle Gun (bow) - Ebony Cap (helm) - Ebony Staff - Fashion Skin (succubus armor) - Fireshot Staff - Frigid Axe - Golden Plate (armor) - Hard Kinky Skin (succubus armor) - Hacker Sword - Huge Sword (barbarian sword) - Katana (sword) - Kinky Skin (succubus armor) - Leecher (staff) - Lightning Sword - Lips Skin (succubus armor) - Master Crossbow - Mana Blood Helm - Mithril Sword - Moody Shield - Pegasus Helm - Secret Shirt (armor) - Serpentine Sword - Soft Kinky Skin (succubus armor) - Supra Skin (succubus armor) New Spells: ----------- - Berserk (Combat Magic) - Call Colossus (Nature Magic) - Call Harry (Nature Magic) - Call Oceanic Spider (Nature Magic) - Call Sea Drake (Nature Magic) - Create Health Potion (Nature Magic) - Create Large Health Potion (Nature Magic) - Create Small Health Potion (Nature Magic) - Create Super Health Potion (Nature Magic) - Force of Nature (Nature Magic) - Solar Beam (Nature Magic) - Summon Major Seck Soul ( Combat Magic) - Summon Succubus Elder (Combat Magic) New monsters: ------------- - Asgorath - Berserk Red Drake - Colossus - Chick - Coast Spider - Lesser Sand Fury - Mistress Elys - Oceanic Spider - Redscale - Sand Fury - Sea Drake - Seck Soul - SJR - Succubus Elder - Witness Modified maps: -------------- - The Abandoned Ruins - The Eastern Island - The Endless Dunes - The Inner Sanctuary - The Forgotten Mesas - The Trial of Gallus - The Volcanic Caverns Known issues: ------------- - A hub may refuse to be activated if you don't have the required level because you attempted to use it from the Utrean Basilicus before using it from town. - When you try to Call a creature when you are already controlling one Called creature, there is no warning message. - The Dungeon Siege engine does not support more than 255 objects in the inventory, so if you fill your inventory over that amount, you will lost items next time you will reload your character. Thanks to: ********** - All the girls & guys who maintain websites and forums to make a living community and provide lot of infos. and especially: - Game-Editing: - PlanetDungeonSiege: - SiegeNetwork: - SiegeWorks: - The Dungeon Siege Net Guide: - The Elemental: ************************************************************************************************************
