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  • Autor: Ikkyo
  • Last version: beta 6
  • files size: 277,42 kB (284 074 B)
  • required: DS 1.11,
  • downloaded: 756

The state of all quests and quest related events on both the the Kindom of Ehb and Utraean Peninsula maps are now saved using QuestBits so that one can pick up right where he/she left off. For example, quest related doors, like the Glitterdelve Gate, will remain open if you complete the quest in a previous game. Also, most quest rewards are only given out once. I hope to still make the rewards worth while though. All quest are saved in the journal, this gives a mutiplayer character a much greater sense of accomplishment when all the quest have been completed. I hope to integrate veteran and elite modes into this modification sometime as well.

Last version
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added: 2010-02-28 12:36:20 Last update: 2010-02-28 12:36:20

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Ikkyo's Multiplayer Quest Save Beta 6 By Ikkyo ( November 3, 2003 ===================================== I. Introduction Ikkyo's Multiplayer Quest Save is a modification for Dungeon Siege(TM) by Gas Powered Games, Inc.(TN). The one thing that annoyed me about the multiplayer version of the Ehb map was that the current states of the quests were not saved between game sessions. With this modification, that annoyance no longer exists. Also, starting with Beta 2, the Utraean Peninsula map is supported as well. The state of all quests and quest related events on both the Kingdom of Ehb and Utraean Peninsula maps are now saved using QuestBits so that one can pick up right where he/she left off. For example, quest related doors, like the Glitterdelve Gate, will remain open if you complete the quest in a previous game. Also, most quest rewards are only given out once. I hope to still make the rewards worth while though. All quest are saved in the journal, this gives a multiplayer character a much greater sense of accomplishment when all the quest have been completed. I hope to integrate veteran and elite modes for Ehb into this modification sometime as well. II. Installation and Usage To install this modification, copy the ikkyo_mpsave_beta_6.dsres file into your Dungeon Siege/Resources folder. (Usually C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Dungeon Siege/Resources) Make sure to remove any previous version of this mod when upgrading from an older version. This modification starts working immediately after installing it. Quests are automatically saved periodically (every 60 seconds) and when you exit the game. There's no extra interaction required from the user. To be extra safe, the user can click the "Save Quests" button on the game menu. The "Reset Quests" button will erase all quest state information stored in your character file. This can only be done from the host of the game, and will only affect the character who clicks on it. III. Removal To remove this modification, delete the ikkyo_mpsave_beta_6.dsres file. IV. Compatibility Issues This mod will conflict with other mods that modify the base templates. I don't know which ones, but be warned. This mod should be compatible with all version of Dungeon Siege. However, I have only tested it with 1.1+ so this may not be the case. There are no conflicts for characters brought in from "normal" Dungeon Siege games, quests will just be uncompleted initially. All players need a copy of this modification to play in others games. Characters can continue to play in unmodified Dungeon Siege games with no adverse side-effects. V. Changelog Beta 6 ========== -Fixed Glitterdelve Gate quest load bug -Manual Save button on the ingame menu -"Reset Quests" button with custom dialog for resetting quest states -Changed .dsres to use dir.lqd20's -Fixed AuditorDb bool loading on remote clients Beta 5 ========== -Quests save less often -Quests automatically save when you press the exit button -Fixed SiegeEditor UI errors Beta 4 ========== -Quest states are now only loaded from the host player -Quests will no longer revert to earlier states -Quest states should now save probably on clients machines -fixed instances of npc's becoming stuck in a conversation -improved the first time quest completion rewards for certain UP quests Beta 3 ========== -Fixed the crash bug related to the overseer quest -Optimized the code a little Beta 2 ========== -Added initial support for The Utraean Peninsula -Merik Staff quest in now undone if the staff is lost -Will now work with Dwarf characters -Should sync better with multiple players Beta 1 ========== -initial release -all quest saved VI. Information about the Author Jason 'Ikkyo' Gripp email: I'm just a freelance coder. My biggest project has probably been Desert Crisis (, a Half-Life mod. There I am the lead/only coder. Send any bugs/issues or suggestions to me via email. You may also contact me on the message boards if you wish. I haven't tested the whole game yet, so the comments will be appreciated. VII. Legal Rhetoric This document and associated data files are Copyright 2003 by Jason 'Ikkyo' Gripp. All rights reserved. The author grants permission for this work to be copied or otherwise transmitted, with the provision that the work remain unaltered and that the distribution be done free of charge. All code contained herein is the intellectual property of the author (and, in specifically noted cases, of Gas Powered Games, Inc., and other entities). Dungeon Siege is a registered trademark of Gas Powered Games, Inc. and Microsoft, Inc. Thanks to Icemage for the legal rhetoric.
