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- Autor: Pyrostock
- Last version: 1.0
- files size: 38,09 MB (39 937 797 B)
- required: DS 1.11, DS:LoA,
- downloaded: 1481
A standalone Elite difficulty version of the Kingdom of Ehb map (level 75 requirement)
Last version
added: 2010-10-03 10:39:42 Last update: 2010-10-03 10:39:42
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Elite Ehb Kingdom
by PyroStock
Map Name: Elite Ehb Kingdom
Version: 1.10
Release Date: 9/26/2000
For: Dungeon Siege
This map is the Elite version for the ENTIRE original Kingdom of Ehb map. The elite
monsters, elite chests/barrels, and elite shopkeepers of the *entire* map are based mostly
off of what Dungeon Siege's game designers claims are the elite versions - found in the
Siege Editor. Any items & treasures you find in this map can be saved to your character &
taken to other maps. Everything in this map has been tested to be balanced for fair elite
players (few small attempts to help balance the archer & nature mage), no godly items.
Place the "" file in your Dungeon Siege 'Maps' folder. 1 way to do
this is extract the file to C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesDungeon SiegeMaps
((or wherever your 'Maps' folder is)). Then load up the game & play!
This map works on Dungeon Siege v1.1, not sure if it works on v1.0.
Level Requirements
A character must be at least Level 75 to enter, which is lower than Utraean Peninsula (83)
since many characters have commented how difficult it is to go up levels in Veteran. In
addition, since Ehb is more of a linear map the requirements to get to later levels has
been decreased as well.
Other Facts
1>Bring plenty of Super potions before you start at the Farmhouse, as in the original
version there is no one selling anything at the Farmhouse. The 1st town is still
Stonebridge, so be careful on your potions.
2>I added the Crypt Enterance as an additional starting point. I did this since I am sure
many of us are tired of fighting Krug.
3>You can play this as a Single Player map, but a new character is no match for Elite Krug
and the characters along the way are still 'regular' versions, GPG made no Elite Ulora or
Elite Zed. If you discover a way to transfer your current Single Player party into this
map let me know at the Planet Dungeon Siege forums.
4>Many storekeepers sell items costing over $10million in elite, even in GPG's Utraean
Peninsula map. So be sure to have plenty of cash ready.
5>Guards and citizens can die, everyone except shopkeepers (hostages) & droog citizens. You
can now bring a mob of monsters to town if you are feeling wicked & watch the people defend
themselves. You must talk to the bartender in Stonebridge if you want him to use his gun in
the Inn.
6>If you felt you wasted your time getting the ankh & sightless helm in the Pit of Despair,
you may feel rewarded here if you still have those items.
Over a dozen new main monsters & bosses to fight, some include:
Cyclops King Glacier Golem
Shadow Darkling Giant Crab
Frostnid Spider Queen The Beholder
Ghost Banshee Monster Worm
Minotaur Hulk Blood Beast
Punisher Lich Greedy Leprechaun
AND if you have "Yesterhaven.dsres" in your Resources folder you will also get to see Elite
versions of Yesterhaven's foes! But *you do not need* "Yesterhaven.dsres" to play this map.
Infernal Klaw
Giant Frost Gargoyle
Lich Lord (different spell, necessary for damage)
Fire King (skull spell only, necessary for damage)
Frost Queen (different spell, necessary for damage)
All Bosses & Drakes Upgraded
Most Bosses have received 2-3 more goons around them.
All Bosses & Drakes were given roughly the following upgrades:
Armor +25% Life +25% Mana +25% Damage +25% Speed +25% Exper.+20%
Gom, Gresh & the Drake Boss were given roughly the following upgrades:
Armor +50% Life +50% Mana +50% Damage +50% Speed +50% Exper.+33%
Scorch the Dragon was given roughly the following upgrades:
Mana +100% Damage +100% Experience +50%
((unfortunately even if I increased Scorch's damage 10x it had little effect, other spells
either did not look right or would kill in 1 hit.))
But Wait, There's More
Keep an eye out for 3 new merchants added to help you along the way. They are not easy to
find, but have a larger variety of items (which have been play tested for game balance)
than the traditional merchants. Quality of items is same as other merchants, but the
variety better. Ideal for characters who want that certain look for their character & are
tired of that Raven Helm for example. In addition you will may find rare or unique
spellbooks for sale (again balanced to standard options with some benefit given to archers
and nature mages for game balance.) To find these merchants easier head to Grescal & find
Raden by entering the cellar there. Raden might tell you more as well....
Future Updates
Possible since I always like to improve things. Suggestions & comments are welcome.
Ideas now are: 1>Allow Characters to Join You in Multiplayer game (my last test resulted
in Phae turning into a L150 character, so I decided not to include this until I solve it).
2>Add Elite Ultraen Peninsula to Elite Ehb Kingdom by stiching the maps together.
3>Improve Quest Rewards (I have not figured out how to improve the Quest Rewards yet).
4>Add new map regions & balance them for an even larger world.
5>The live Crystal versions.
6>{{Your idea here.}} ;)
Questions, Comments, Cries of Mercy...
Send me a message at Planet Dungeon Siege...
or feel free to post a new topic on the forum there.
(Feedback is welcome)
This map has (thus far) never crashed or caused a problem with anyone's system & I
have tested it several times, but if something bad should happen I am not responsible.
Have fun.