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No image availableEssentialYesterStomp


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  • Autor: SatanVsSanta
  • Last version: 2.0
  • files size: 214,91 kB (220 066 B)
  • required: DS 1.11,
  • downloaded: 966

An extensive tweak to Yesterhaven, this toughens up the monsters, makes drops more worth your while, and enables super life/mana potions for loot dropping.


This mod is difficult to implement if you do not understand how to use Tank Viewer and Rapid Tank Creator.

Last version
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added: 2010-10-03 09:56:13 Last update: 2010-10-03 09:56:13

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EMAIL: Author: SatanVsSanta * WARNING * This mod is difficult to implement if you do not understand how to use Tank Viewer and Rapid Tank Creator. This mod will be _impossible_ for you to implement if you do not understand directory structure. If you have never created a mod before, then you should not attempt to make this work for you. Tank Viewer and Rapid Tank Creator may be found at (shouts to Bsimser, Xaa, Icemage, Dan, and all of the administrative staff at Game Editing) I know many of us Dungeon Siege'ers downloaded Yesterhaven, only to find out that Yesterhaven was designed for newbies. I have now fixed that. All monsters are now toughened up. Lich King, Fire King and Snow Queen are rather dangerous. All containers (IE. chests, barrels et al) are now VERY much worth your while to break open. Super Mana and Super Health potions are now able to drop from mob's that used to be able to drop potions originally. I tested this tweak with a level 65 melee / caster and was able to get snuffed out when I was surrounded by bad guys. With feedback from those of you that successfully make this work for you, I can make things even harder still with an update. On to the two-part installation procedure. Install Instructions: PART ONE: 1) Locate Yesterhaven.dsres 2) Extract Yesterhaven.dsres into a work directory 3) Overwrite the following files: gpg_w3_containers_regional.gas, gpg_w3_monsters.gas, gpg_w3_spells.gas with the ones I have provided you in this tweak, directory structure being identical here as inside of Yesterhaven.dsres 4) Tank your new version of Yesterhaven.dsres PART TWO: (I would like to thank ZincMan for being a contributor to this mod; he completed the missing mob portion of this mod) 1) Copy EssentialYesterMOD.dsres to C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesDungeon SiegeRESOURCES Thats all there is to it. Now, Yesterhaven has some STOMP to it! Regards, SvS
