Download » maps » Reign of Chaos
Rating: 1+
Changes [?]: Unknown
- Autor: Psychogun2003
- files size: 9,87 MB (10 349 447 B)
- required: DS:LoA,
- downloaded: 2463
In this map, you play a demon, beginning your quest in Hell. Your goal is to release the spirit of God of the Evil which has been imprisoned for a thousand years by a magic spell... But to accomplish that, you will have to take by storm a castle protected by a true army of knights and overcome the three heroes who protect the King.
Last version
added: 2010-10-10 11:31:42 Last update: 2010-10-10 11:31:42
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Carte conçue pour le jeu "Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna"
achevée le 23/02/2005
Placer le fichier chaos.dsmap dans le dossier "Dungeon SiegeMap"
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Cette carte ne fonctionne qu'avec Legend of Aranna |