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mod thumbnailArwen LoTR Skins


Changes [?]:

  • Autor: Witness
  • Last version: 1.1
  • files size: 1.004,77 kB (1 028 882 B)
  • required: DS 1.10, DS 1.11,
  • downloaded: 2123

A set of Arwen skins (face, robe armor, gloves, boots, inventory icons) based on the Lord of the Rings movie.

Last version
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added: 2010-10-10 17:59:00 Last update: 2010-10-10 17:59:00

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"Give Items" Patch for Arwen LoTR Skins ------------------------------------------- Author: Witness (Lisa Hui) Source: -------------------------------------- This patch was created as as an alternative to the map-based items distribution via Radeem's Bazaar. This patch was made for those who have had problems entering the Bazaar map (there have been reports of game crashes) or wants to use Arwen's items in an existing single player game. It adds a "Give Arwen's Items" button to the In-Game Menu (press Esc to display this menu while in the game to open up this menu). Clicking on this new button will load a list of Arwen's items. - Double-click any individual item to drop that item on the ground near your character. - Click the "Give All" button to drop all the items on the ground near your character. - Click the "Give Selected" button to drop the highlighted item on the ground near your character. - Press Esc to return to the In-Game Menu. Installation: Place the included ArwenEvenstar_GetItemsUI.dsres in your "Dungeon Siege/Resources" directory. Compatibility: This patch should be compatible with any other mod that does not also alter the In-Game Menu UI. Since it is a UI-only mod, it is also compatible with all multiplayer games, but the host must still have Arwen's items templates installed for this to work.
