Installation hry Dungeon Siegedescription of the installation Dungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna
Main InstallationInsert Setup Disk 1 (Install CD) and select Express Install. If you want to change the default location of the game, use the Install button and select the new location of the game. When you are prompted, insert disk 2 (3). After installation, you can close the Setup window and run the game. When you first start the game asks for the license agreement, agree with click on I Agree, and you can play. It is possible that you receive an error messages (3x cInvokeMethod2::Invoke a 1x Splash.exe), just click OK. Those are displayed when playing the game on account with limited privileges.
TroubleshootingWindows Vista
Windows 7
Relase date: 10.1.2010
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Gas Powered Games™ and Dungeon Siege™ are © of Gas Powered Games, Corp.
update: 2013-04-04, (C) 2006-2010 by Psychopat [5.088s]