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- velikost souborů: 3,24 kB (3 319 B)
- Autor: AegisThorne
This simple mod gets rid of the mini-map border and multiplies the viewable distance by 3. It also gets rid of the fog of war in the area by increasing the discovery radius, as having a bigger map is useless if the area keeps being covered. You can still see some of this effect when you rotate the camera. |
Aktualizováno16.06.2010 staženo2176 Hodnocení1+ Změnynot set |

- verze: 1.0
- velikost souborů: 18,86 kB (19 308 B)
- Autor: Omniscient Colossus
Makes your inventory size 12 columns by 23 rows! This is actually smaller than Monty Haul 1.0 by four columns on the righthand side, for logistical reasons. The Shop grid is LARGER now by 4 columns AND 4 rows for more convenient shopping experience. This mod incoprorates the same increased gold capacity method as Monty Haul 1.0 by Bif The Mildy Timid. |
Aktualizováno16.06.2010 staženo4292 Hodnocení1+ Změnyunbalanced |

- verze: 1.0.0
- velikost souborů: 3,44 kB (3 521 B)
- Autor: Nivisec
Changes your viewing area to encompass more of your surroundings and allow more control over what you are viewing. It works like the NewView mod except it's more optimized to not allow you to view inside your character and doesn't add any fog to your view. |
Aktualizováno13.06.2010 staženo1559 Hodnocení1+ Změnyunknown |

- velikost souborů: 5,63 kB (5 768 B)
- Autor: Foxfire
Makes a number of changes to the GUI (removes a few hardly used icons and adds an exp counter). |
Aktualizováno13.06.2010 staženo1217 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 1.0
- velikost souborů: 29,54 kB (30 246 B)
- Autor: Bif The Mildy Timid
Increases inventory size to 25x16 slots (requires 1024x768 resolution minimum) and increases gold capacity to a little over 2 bilions. |
Aktualizováno11.06.2010 staženo3527 Hodnocení1+ Změnyunbalanced |

- velikost souborů: 11,74 kB (12 026 B)
- Autor: psYcoSix
Adds experience column(s) to the in-game menu and to end game summary screen. |
Aktualizováno07.06.2010 staženo1735 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 1.0
- velikost souborů: 8,62 kB (8 828 B)
- Autor: Icemage 999
Increases a character's inventory space by three columns. Compatible with all resolutions down to 640x480. |
Aktualizováno07.06.2010 staženo1575 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 1.0
- velikost souborů: 8,50 kB (8 704 B)
- Autor: TomCat39
This mod makes changes the look of the in-game inventory windows. The backpack area is tiled with a dragon image background, and the paperdoll area highlights valid placement slots when you pick up an item. |
Aktualizováno07.06.2010 staženo667 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 1.0
- velikost souborů: 10,39 kB (10 638 B)
- Autor: [D-slayer]
This mod displays the spells in your spell book, similar to Icemage's Spell Icons mod. This fixes a problem with Icemage's Spell Icons where the displayed icons don't update if you rotate spell slots with a hotkey. |
Aktualizováno04.06.2010 staženo1557 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 1.0
- velikost souborů: 3,07 kB (3 144 B)
- Autor: Lurker
- www: official site
Removes the "screen shaking" effect from most spells. |
Aktualizováno04.06.2010 staženo608 Hodnocení1+ Změnynot set |

- verze: 2.0
- velikost souborů: 1,51 MB (1 588 276 B)
- Autor: Lurker
- www: official site
Gives you seven alternative loading screen styles. |
Aktualizováno04.06.2010 staženo647 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 3.0
- velikost souborů: 184,26 kB (188 679 B)
- Autor: Lurker
- www: official site
Replaces the boring, old ingame look with a nicer looking one. |
Aktualizováno03.06.2010 staženo900 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

Adds an in-game menu interface that allows you to rename your character. |
Aktualizováno25.05.2010 staženo1563 Hodnocení1+ Změnynot set |

A package of 6 inventory mods, this time for 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 screen modes; 3 are for the original Dungeon Siege and 3 are for Legends of Aranna. |
Aktualizováno24.05.2010 staženo13396 Hodnocení1+ Změnyunbalanced |

- verze: 1.2
- velikost souborů: 114,59 kB (117 336 B)
- Autor: Andy Cheung
This mod changes the size of grid for human, dsx_pack_animal and packmule. Also included are the excel file which contains the rect coods of interface of dsx_backpack_ui, inventory, multi_inventory, multiplayer_trade, spell and store. |
Aktualizováno24.05.2010 staženo1970 Hodnocení1+ Změnyunbalanced |

- velikost souborů: 74,31 kB (76 092 B)
- Autor: Irwin Ryan
It greatly improves visibilty range and allows the camera to exceed it's normal restrictions. It works for Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Legends of Utrae. |
Aktualizováno23.05.2010 staženo2432 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 1.0
- velikost souborů: 9,66 kB (9 896 B)
- Autor: Crusader
Modifies the inventory screen's 13x4 grid to a 13x8 grid for more "backpack" space. GUI layout has been stretched accordingly to fit the 800x600 resolution minimum. |
Aktualizováno23.05.2010 staženo1291 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 4.0
- velikost souborů: 24,38 kB (24 966 B)
- Autor: Icemage 999
Adds a row of spell buttons to the top of the screen for one-click access to the rest of the spells in your active spellbook. |
Aktualizováno04.03.2010 staženo1476 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |

- verze: 2.0
- velikost souborů: 217,54 kB (222 758 B)
- Autor: Lokiswaq
- www: official site
The BufUI Mod adds a panel to the GUI that shows the selected character's active buffs, their count and their corresponding expiration times. I thought that the dockbar was hiding information about the active buffs rather than showing them, so I made this panel that shows up to 12 active buffs. If you apply more buffs than the maximum shown, the extra ones will apppear in the panel as soon as one of the already shown expires. Up to 20 concurrent buffs are tracked by the BufUI.
There are two views of the panel. An icon one (default) and a text one that shows the buffs' descriptions (like the ones shown on the dockbar). You can toggle between them via the extra GUI button next to the health/mana potions. Both views show the remaining time for each buff in the form of h:mm:ss (text panel) or mm:ss (icons panel). The timer will turn red when 10 or less seconds remain. |
Aktualizováno28.02.2010 staženo2070 Hodnocení1+ Změnylegit |