Download » mody » gui-zobrazeni » NiceUIMod
Hodnocení: 1+
Změny [?]: Legit
- Autor: Foxfire
- velikost souborů: 5,63 kB (5 768 B)
- vyžaduje: DS 1.11,
- staženo: 1211
Makes a number of changes to the GUI (removes a few hardly used icons and adds an exp counter).
- In multiplayer coop you will get the number of earned XP instead of deaths.
- On the endgame screen you will get Kills, Deaths and XP
- On endgame screen I activated the timeline (haven't got a clue what it is good for ;)
- Did remove the icons for drink mana/health (didn't use them a single time)
- Removed the useless semitransparent bar at the bottom of the screen (really makes the world look bigger)
- Added credits information on the start screen ;)
Poslední verze
přidáno: 2010-06-13 20:59:13 Aktualizováno: 2010-06-13 20:59:13