Download » mody » gui-zobrazeni » No Shake
Hodnocení: 1+
Změny [?]: Neutral
- Autor: Lurker
- Ofic. stránky: official site
- Poslední verze: 1.0
- velikost souborů: 3,07 kB (3 144 B)
- vyžaduje: DS 1.11,
- staženo: 603
Removes the "screen shaking" effect from most spells.
Poslední verze
přidáno: 2010-06-04 15:49:41 Aktualizováno: 2010-06-04 15:49:41
[x] - close
Lurker's No Shake
What this does:
-remove the "screenshake" effect from most spells
-put the L_no_shake.dsres in your dungeon siege/resource folder (just leave it there)
And now a word from our legal department
-if you do not like this mod, make your own (it's quite easy)
-you MAY NOT use any part of this mod in your own mod without knowledge or consent by the own (Lurker)
--If you do the above, I will hunt you down and kill you :)
And now a word from our fun department
-enjoy! Have fun with the mod
I have a suggestion/question/comment...
-Good. send them to